Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

chicken pox_cacar air

Chicken Pox


Chicken pox is an infectious virus that can make spot red skin and then it protrudes. Blisters contain of liquid and dry in a week, these blisters feel itchy. Chicken pox is infected primarily by Varicella zoster virus (VZV). Because this disease is caused by virus, so chicken pox can be healed by itself. After it heals, the VZV does not disappear but this virus is permanently in the body in the specific nerve and can active again then become zoster herpes. Zoster herpes is an infection that can make skin eruption which fells painful. It is also blisters that contain of liquid. Zoster herpes commonly happens in person who is 60 years old or older. But, chicken pox commonly happens in children. More less 90% of chicken pox is happened in children under 10 years old. And more than 90% people had experienced chicken pox when they are 15 years old. The highest incidence this disease is when they are 5 – 9 years old.


Chicken pox is not a serious disease and signed by fever and red itchy spots in all parts of body. These symptoms are showed in 10 – 21 days after infected. For a person who has been 10 years and older, the symptoms are headache, moderate fever, and the body is painful. These symptoms do not find in children who have been younger than 10 years old. 24 – 36 hours after these symptoms appear then the red spots (macula) also appear in all parts of body. Then these maculas become papules, and finally vesicle, these vesicles feel itchy. But, in some days it will dry. This process is 6 – 8 hours. Then the other vesicles will appear. In fifth days, the new vesicles are not showed, but these vesicles in all parts of the body will dry in sixth days and disappear in 21 days later. Papules in face, hands, and feet are fewer than in the stomach, shoulders or back. These red spots also find in head skin. Papules in mouth are usually easier to break up, then they make ulcers. The ulcers cause painful when swallowing. The ulcers also are found in eyes, upper respiratory track, rectum, and vagina. It is also can make the left lymph node edema. Chicken pox rarely makes fibrous tissues. Chicken pox also can be infection which is caused by stafilococcus.


Chicken pox is rarely to cause complication. But, the chicken pox has complication such as

1. The black spot on skin or hyperpigmentation, commonly it is found in teenagers or adults. Hyperpigmentation is caused by the disease, how serious it is.

2. Zoster Herpes

3. Acute Cerebellar Ataxia. This complication is not common, it is in adults. This complication is signed by uncoordinated muscles so the person who has this complication experiences the difficulty in walking, speaking, and the movement of the eyes can change fast (nystagmus). This Ataxia can cure in some weeks or months.

4. Pneumonia (lungs infection) or encephalitis (brain infection), this is not common in children health.

Furthermore, chicken pox can be a serious complication disease in all parts of the body, pneumonia, and hepatitis. The risk factors are:

  1. Baby who is 28 days old or younger.
  2. A person who has low antibody, such as HIV, organ transplantation, chemotherapy, leukemia.

The article above shows that the complication mortality of this disease is 1.4/100,000

The examples of complication diseases in chicken pox are :

Zoster Herpes

* It is caused by Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)

* First Infection is caused by Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) then the virus enter to ganglia (nervous body) in spinalis and cranial nervous and the virus stay there in non active condition.

* Herpes zoster virus can not show the symptoms or be active again in some years later.

* Herpes zoster occurs when the virus is active again. Sometimes the activation of virus happens when the antibody gets disorder because of diseases such as AIDS or Hodgkin or medicines which influence the antibody system.

* The symptoms :

Ø Fever

Ø Shiver

Ø Queasy

Ø Diarrhea

Ø Painful

* The spots contain of liquid, these are only in the right side or left side and painful.

* It will be dry in fifth day

* If it is longer than 2 weeks, it signs the up normal antibody in the body’s sufferer.


* It is an infection in respiratory track, this infection happens in lungs tissues that caused by microorganisms.

* The microorganism can be viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

* The risk factors of Pneumonia are vaccination of pneumonia, smokers, drank, Chronic Obstructive Pneumo(Lungs) Disease, person who has endotracheal,tracheostomy, nasogastic tube, lost appetite, less immune system, medicine that can make increase acid in stomach, person who has mechanic ventilator, older person, heart disease, chronic nerve disease, chronic liver disease, and diabetes mellitus.

* The symptoms are much secretion in respiratory track, fever (39-40 degree C), caught, painful when breath, the breaths are deep and short, and lungs will be collapse, fibrous. The patients will be fatigue, headache, sweating, and lost appetite.

Curing and Caring

Because chicken pox is not a serious disease and can be cured by itself, so the curing and caring only make better the symptoms.

* Sleeping as appropriate

* Paracetamol to decrease the fever.

* Calamine and taking a bath with warm water to decrease the itchy.

* Hands cone to prevent the children shaking the spots.

* Soft feeding to make comfort the mouth if in there is found the spots.

The Unrecommended Curing and Caring for chicken pox are:

* Anti histamine which is consisted of sedative (can make sleepy), such as chlorpheniramine. This drug is not significant to decrease the itchy feeling.

* Anti virus, anti virus is not recommended for chicken pox without complication. If anti virus is given in the first day, it only decrease one day during sickness. The scientists discover that anti virus, acyclovir does not have meaning to decrease complication risk. Moreover, using anti virus, based on theory, can make changing in anti body responses, so the viruses can be activated faster than before. It is called zoster herpes. Using anti virus if the chicken pox has serious complication, for baby under 28th day, or the person who has less anti body system. It is must be given during 48 hours after the first spot is showed.

* Antibiotic, Antibiotic indeed is needed if there is any infection on the skin.


Vaccination gives chicken pox prevention in 8-9 people from 10 people or 80% until 90% people can prevent chicken pox with this way. Furthermore, if a person had been given a vaccination but he or she gets chicken pox again, this disease will not be a very serious disease; the vesicles also get under 50 vesicles. It happens without fever or not serious fever and only some days. This vaccination is given in some cases such as:

* Children who are 12th-18th month old that have not been experienced chicken pox; must get one dose of vaccination.

* Children who are 19th month old until 13 years old that have not been experienced chicken pox; must get one dose of vaccination.

* Adults that have not been experienced chicken pox and work or live in the chicken pox endemic location; probably happen, the examples are in schools, children storage centers, hospitals, dormitories, prisons, or military barracks.

* Reproductive women that have not been experienced chicken pox and not pregnancy.

* Adults and teenagers that have not been experienced chicken pox and live with children.

* The person who wants to go to abroad and have not experienced chicken pox.

Varicella zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG)

VZIG is an antibody for a virus that causes chicken pox. VZIG is given only for some groups:

* A person who has less antibody

* A pregnant woman who has relation with chicken pox and have not been experienced chicken pox.

* A baby who is 28th day old which and born less than 28th week old of pregnancy or the weight is less than 1000 grams.

* A baby who is younger than 28th day old whose the mother has relation with the chicken pox or experiences chicken pox during 7 days before delivery a baby until 7 days after delivery a baby.

Remember that VZIG only effective to prevent chicken pox if it is given during 96 hours after gets relation from chicken pox cases.


From the essay above, I can conclude that chicken pox is a disease that commonly attacks children. But, this disease is not a serious disease; furthermore everyone can handle this disease easily. And for a person, who never gets this disease before, please go to the doctor to get vaccination. But for the sufferer, if he or she gets complication of chicken pox, please go to the doctor as soon as possible. Moreover please keep a healthy life because with a healthy life, it can help sufferer to cure as soon as possible.


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_____. 2008. Herpes Zoster. _____: _____ (diakses tanggal 7 Oktober 2008) (http.//www.wikipedia.com)

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Soeharso. 2008. Apa itu penyakit campak dan cacar air. _____ : _____ (diakses tanggal 7 Oktober 2008) (http.//www.yahoo.com)

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